Drogheda ETSS

Principal's Welcome

principal.jpgI am delighted to welcome you to the Drogheda Educate Together website which I hope will provide you with an understanding and appreciation of our school’s ethos, practices and aspirations.

Drogheda Educate Together Secondary School is a brand new co-educational post-primary school situated on the south side of Drogheda. We welcomed our first cohort of students in September 2019.

During its infancy, Drogheda ETSS will be accommodated in a temporary building complete with specialist rooms, eventually settling roots on this extensive campus which will accommodate all our academic and extra-curricular needs.

We are committed to developing an excellent school where students are happy, proud, ambitious and involved. We will focus upon nurturing a positive culture and an innovative learning community which will support the needs of our students, our families and our community.

Thank you for visiting!

Susan Campbell

Feb 10
Mocks / Reporting Week
Feb 17
Mid Term Break
Mar 13
1st Year PTM
Mar 17
Public Holiday - Saint Patrick's Day
Open Evening Postponed
Students from the Transition Year DETSS program participated in the annual Junk Kouture competition for 2024 in Dublin. Congratulations to the Junk Kouture design team of Jane Golden, Ruby Shanahan, Leyre Rapino Sanchez, and Abigail Ryan whose design
Drogheda ETSS , Colpe East, Drogheda, Co Meath, A92 KOVC
041 974 9803
© 2025 Drogheda ETSS