Drogheda ETSS

Information for Prospective Staff

Information for Prospective Staff

Drogheda Educate Together Secondary School is a “start-up” secondary school under the patronage of Educate Together. The school opened in interim accommodation in September 2019 in the Laytown Youthreach building beside Colaiste na hInse.

Co-educational, equality-based and managed on democratic principles, Drogheda Educate Together Secondary School provides an education for students that contributes both to their personal development as well as to the social, economic and cultural development of their community.

Drogheda Educate Together Secondary School places the learning needs of students at the centre of the curriculum process and the use of creative and participative teaching and learning approaches in the school reflects this.


Our vision is of a welcoming and vibrant school community in which all members will experience a real sense of active participation and belonging. Students will enjoy school and this vision will be built upon:

  • A student centred school community
  • Positive learning experiences
  • Active teaching methodologies at the core of these learning experiences
  • A positive culture of achievement and success
  • A curriculum designed to meet the needs of all the students
  • Mutually respectful relationships between all members of the community
  • An environment that ensures happiness and safety for all
  • An extensive range of pastoral supports
  • An Ethical Education Curriculum
  • Extensive and engaging extra-curricular activities
  • Promoting and encouraging active participation by all in the school community
  • Providing students with the knowledge and skills needed to live, learn, and work in the wider community.

Staff who join our team will be dynamic, energetic, innovative professionals with a determination to succeed, a desire to work as part of a team and an appreciation for the importance of continued self-improvement.

Teachers are encouraged to be innovative in all areas of school life. As a new school, staff need to be flexible with an ability to deliver excellence in teaching and learning and are prepared to fully commit to the growth and development of this new school.

Teaching and Learning:

Drogheda Educate Together Secondary School offers a broad and comprehensive curriculum starting with First Year Junior Cycle students in September 2019. We have embraced and implemented the reformed Junior Cycle Curriculum as this reflects the vision and goals of of Educate Together as outlined in its document “Taking the Next Step: A Blueprint for Educate Together Second-level Schools”. The school also embraces “The Ethical Curriculum Framework” developed by Educate Together.

In keeping with best national and international practice it is our policy to promote the use of various active methodologies and pedagogic strategies to enhance the quality of education our students receive. We are committed to establishing Drogheda Educate Together Secondary School as a centre of excellence and innovation in teaching and learning.

Our aim is to support our students in the development of learning habits, inspire them to enjoy learning and ensure they achieve and exceed their full academic potential. To facilitate this culture of high expectations there will be an emphasis upon:

  • Collaboration and the development of professional learning communities.

    • Sharing best practice, peer observation and Team Teaching.

  • Formative assessment and feedback.

  • Academic Monitoring.

  • Cross Curricular Integration and Conceptual Learning.

  • High Quality Differentiation.

  • Innovative and Effective use of ICT.

  • Thorough planning and preparation.

  • Continued Professional Development.

  • Development of positive and productive working relationships with students.

  • Effective Engagement with School Self Evaluation and Reflective Practice

More information can be found at the downloadable link below:

Blueprint for Educate Together Second-level Schools

Positive Learning Environment:

The learning environment in Drogheda Educate Together Secondary School is a positive one with a strong emphasis on the promotion and reward of positive behaviours. Our school provides a caring and safe environment for our students where the positive values of respect, fairness, kindness, self-discipline and hard-work will be expected from all of us.

Our foundations are built upon positive relationships and interpersonal connections and any discipline issues are dealt with in a restorative manner. Restorative Practice is about “building empathy in students and staff, holding people responsible and accountable for their behaviour, and increasing a feeling of community”. The use of sarcasm and verbal put downs should be avoided and the correction of students should be constructive, teachers need to give students the time to narrate and talk through an event allowing mutual acknowledgment of a suitable sanction.

A structured rewards system will be operated by all teachers rewarding and celebrating students for positive attitude, cooperation, engagement, citizenship, participation, effort, successes and improvements made.

Pastoral Support:

Belonging, happiness, security and participation are fundamental in Drogheda Educate Together Secondary School. All teachers will be Clann Leaders with students assigned to them from each year group. The overall objective of the Clann system is to connect all year groups within the school, providing them with the opportunity to further develop skills and experiences in order to become confident and well-rounded individuals.

Being a member of a clann means being part of a team, every member is significant and every member brings a set of unique skills, knowledge and experiences. The clann system not only provides an increased sense of identity and belonging but it also provides opportunities for leadership and according to research reduces the incidence of bullying. The clann system will also encourage more active participation in extracurricular activities and events.

Democracy, participation, student voice and parental involvement are key values within the Drogheda ETSS Community. Students have an active role in the life of the school, teachers are encouraged and expected to provide leadership opportunities for students within their classrooms and generally throughout the school.

Extra-Curricular Activities:

Academic subjects and extra-curricular activities complement each other and develop well-rounded, socially skilled and healthier students. They provide opportunities for teachers and students to work together and further develop the positive relationships which support teachers in their classrooms. They also provide students who may not shine as brightly in the academic environment opportunities to succeed. Prospective staff will be expected to involve themselves in a wide variety of academic and/or sporting activities.

Staff Professionalism:

Teachers are powerful role models for students therefore the staff of Drogheda Educate Together Secondary School are expected to exhibit the absolute highest standards of professionalism at all times. All prospective staff should be fully familiar with the “Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers” www.teachingcouncil.ie. There is an expectation that staff and students alike will conduct themselves in a professional manner.

Sep 23
School Closure - OIDE Whole School Planning and Self Evaluation Day
Sep 26
Open Night
Sep 30
School Closure
Oct 10
Tutor Meeting
Students from the Transition Year DETSS program participated in the annual Junk Kouture competition for 2024 in Dublin. Congratulations to the Junk Kouture design team of Jane Golden, Ruby Shanahan, Leyre Rapino Sanchez, and Abigail Ryan whose design
Tickets are now...on sale...limited seats available....
Drogheda ETSS , Colpe East, Drogheda, Co Meath, A92 KOVC
041 974 9803
© 2024 Drogheda ETSS