Drogheda ETSS

Teach Meet March 2022

Teach Meet March 2022

Teaching and Learning at DETSS – Educate Together Teach Meet March 2022

DETSS Teaching and Learning Team & the School Self Evaluation Team collaborated on Tuesday 15th March to deliver mini presentations on the aspect of Differentiation within the classroom, and how staff can adapt, embed, and best utilise differentiation in teaching and learning. Differentiation helps students understand and apply both content and process in their learning, and as a result maximise their potential in that subject.

The SSE team identified differentiation as a focus of the school development plan, and with the assistance of the Teaching and Learning Team, collaborated on how best to support differentiated instruction as a whole-school approach.

Staff identified six types of differentiated instruction – By Outcome, Process, Task, Dialogue, Grouping, and Support, and presented several innovative models of differentiated instruction that could be easily adapted to any subject.


DETSS Staff were asked to complete a Reflection Card as they observed each station of differentiation, and to note what aspect of Differentiation staff would like to further develop during Peer Observation Week from Tuesday 22nd March – Friday 25th March.

During this week, staff at DETSS will have the opportunity to observe the six types of differentiation in action during class time, and to reflect on how best to embed this practice of mixed-ability instruction in their pedagogy practice.


The event was a huge success, and it sets in motion further action for future Teach Meet’s at DETSS and The School Development Plan.

Differentiated Resources:

  1. Differentiation by Resource using The Frayer Model & Thing Link App Explained


  1. Differentiation by Outcome – Breaking down Learning Outcomes from Subject plans to make it accessible to all students.
  2. Differentiation by Task – Using a Road Map Graphic Organiser to differentiate task – Students use symbols and phrases to summarise information. https://www.flaticon.com
  3. Differentiation by Support – tailoring instruction of subject, assessment, or topic to meet individual student needs
  4. Differentiation by Dialogue – places emphasis on the role of the teacher and the talking that takes place between teacher and students, and the range of questioning between good and highly effective.
  5. Differentiation by Grouping – students are grouped together by ability to help support peers in accessing content.


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Drogheda ETSS , Colpe East, Drogheda, Co Meath, A92 KOVC
041 974 9803
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