Drogheda ETSS

Student Enrichment

Student Enrichment

Student Enrichment
Student wellbeing is present when students realise their abilities, take care of their physical wellbeing, can cope with the normal stresses of life, and have a sense of purpose and belonging to a wider community. Student Enrichment is a programme unique to our school which supports student well-being by addressing such topics as:

• Ethical Education
• Developmental Education
• Transition to 2nd Level
• Digital Literacy Skills
• Study Skills
• Internet Safety
• Healthy Eating
• Anti-Bullying
• Media Skills
• World Religions
• Philosophy
• Community Links
• Career Guidance

Ethical Education

An education which helps learners to develop critical awareness and understanding of moral decision-making, and a heightened awareness of social. Ethical and moral issues and standards. Ethical Education nurtures respect for a person’s right to hold and practice religious and other beliefs. It involves an exploration of the infinite variety and richness of humankind, and the creation of intercultural spaces where values can be articulated and critically examined. Ethical Education focuses on questions of equality, justice, sustainability and active citizenship. It helps learners to develop spiritually and to think critically and empowers them to make a difference.

Development Education

Development education is an educational process aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of the rapidly changing interdependent and unequal world in which we live. It seeks to engage people in analysis, reflection and action for local and global citizenship and participation. It is about supporting people in understanding and acting to transform the social, cultural, political and economic structures which affect our lives at personal, community national and international levels.

Transition to 2nd Level

In September and October of first year focusses on settling into the new school, we play drams games to get to know each other better and teachers addressing any worries or fears about transitioning to Secondary school. We begin to look at all the features of the iPad and discover how teachers use them in the classroom. We also use this time to help students develop their all-important organizational skills. By the end of the 10 weeks, students will feel more confident and settled in their new environment.


Students try to identify what values are important to them while also learning to appreciate and respect the values of others. We also will look at how values can be diverse around the world and reflect on how human values change over time.


Students take part in a wellness module, which included healthy eating, physical activity, mindfulness and CPR.
During this module students organise a wellness week in school. Students get the opportunity to taste foods, take part in various sports activities, mindfulness activities such as meditation and colouring. As well as that, students get the opportunity to learn CPR.

Gender Studies

The aim of the Gender Studies module is to create awareness around stereotypes and bias relating to gender. In this module students reflect on:
· How the media/advertising portrays men and women
· How society reflects gender bias in careers and jobs
· The Bechdel Test and gender in film
· What messages we receive from music about gender
· What gender biases happen in schools
· How women are perceived in sports
Students create a spoken word poem/speech/letter/song about a gender related issue that resonates with them over the course of the module, as a final project.


Students will be look at sustainability within our school environment. Students will specifically focus on one Sustainable Development Goal set by the United Nations. The aim of this module is to create awareness of Sustainable Development in our school and local community. Over the course of this module, students will be guided to complete a series of projects based off the Sustainable Development Goals.

Culture Studies

In this module students will explore what exactly we mean by the term “culture” by reflecting upon and discovering elements of their own culture and the culture of others, whilst also appreciating instances of cultural influence and origins. It is hoped that this module will lead to a schoolwide “Celebration of Culture” day.

Student EnrichmentStudent EnrichmentStudent Enrichment
Feb 10
Mocks / Reporting Week
Feb 17
Mid Term Break
Mar 13
1st Year PTM
Mar 17
Public Holiday - Saint Patrick's Day
Open Evening Postponed
Students from the Transition Year DETSS program participated in the annual Junk Kouture competition for 2024 in Dublin. Congratulations to the Junk Kouture design team of Jane Golden, Ruby Shanahan, Leyre Rapino Sanchez, and Abigail Ryan whose design
Drogheda ETSS , Colpe East, Drogheda, Co Meath, A92 KOVC
041 974 9803
© 2025 Drogheda ETSS